STROITELI - magazine for building materials and technologiesyear VII, issue 1, february 2010
PEG - 59

Other publications by the company
» Advertising in the Industrial Products and Applications, issue 3, may-june 2010
» Advertising in the Industrial Products and Applications, issue 2, march-april 2010
» Advertising in the STROITELI - magazine for building materials and technologies, issue 1, february 2010
» Advertising in the Industrial Products and Applications, issue 6, september 2009
» Advertising in the STROITELI - magazine for building materials and technologies, issue 5, september 2009
» Advertising in the Industrial Products and Applications, issue 4, april-may 2009
» Advertising in the STROITELI - magazine for building materials and technologies, issue 3, may 2009
» Advertising in the Industrial Products and Applications, issue 3, march-april 2009
» Advertising in the Industrial Products and Applications, issue 2, february-march 2009
» Advertising in the Industrial Products and Applications, issue 1, january-february 2009
PEG - 59 :: text to advertisements
ПЕГ - 59 ДОМОФОННИ РАЗГОВОРНИ СИСТЕМИ ДОМОФОНИ Видео домофон GT - 400 Етажен видеодомофон Домофон ED - 200 Домофон T - 200 Диафон SA - 12 ДОМОФОННИ ТАБЛА Входни домофонни табла тип ПЕГ - 59 EVA - нестандартни с дължина според броя на бутоните Входно домофонно табло - стандартно с алуминиева рамка Черно за 26 абоната Варна, ЗПЗ, ул. Уста К. Фичето 3, Тел.: 052/ 505225, 505433 ПЕГ - 59, e-mail: