STROITELI - magazine for building materials and technologiesyear XVII, issue 5, 2020

Fraunhofer Building Innovation Alliance at BAU 2011: "Intelligent Building" as Path to Sustainability

Fraunhofer Building Innovation Alliance at BAU 2011:

European legislation is betting on energy-efficient building. For example, all new buildings are to generate the energy they need on-site starting from 2019. However, energy efficiency is only one aspect of the future challenges in building. The megatrends of demographic change, climate change, urbanization and globalization will determine the future. The challenge in the building industry is to harmonize sustainable building, comprehensive economic factors and social responsibility. With the special exhibition "Intelligent Building", the Fraunhofer Building Innovation Alliance is presenting innovative solutions for material suppliers, planners, architects and investors under the motto "Intelligent Planning, Constructing and Using" at BAU 2011 in Hall C2, Stand 131/135 (17 to 22 January 2011, New Munich Trade Fair).

The greatest leverage for increased sustainability is currently in renovation of existing buildings as well as in the construction industry. According to figures of the World Economic Forum, buildings in industrial nations use 70% of all electricity, 37% of total energy, 28% of total water as well as 30% of wood and materials. The construction industry produces 35% of landfill waste and causes 36% of CO2 emissions, 45% of SO2 emissions, 19% of NOx emissions and 10% of particulate matter emissions worldwide.

The Fraunhofer Building Innovation Alliance is presenting innovative product and system solutions on the path to sustainability at the special exhibition "Intelligent Building". Sustainability and energy efficiency have been basic requirements for new buildings in the meantime. The quality of the achieved sustainability is based on what is technically feasible. It is not a set dimension, but instead a standard that has to be improved continually. To improve the sustainability of buildings – new ones as well as existing ones – increasingly in the future, building processes and building operations must be considered intelligently and integrally. Buildings must be planned and built intelligently, but they must also function using intelligent solutions.