STROITELI - magazine for building materials and technologiesyear XXII, issue 1, 2025

6th LED System, Technology and Applications Fair in Istanbul

LED System,Technology and Applications Fair, which is stated by the organizers to be the only LED Fair in the center of Eurasia, will be held in Istanbul, by Marmara Fair Organization, between the dates of September 30th – October 03rd, 2010. LED Conference and LED contest which is supported by Turkish Ministry of Energy will be organized concurrently with LED Fair 2010.

Turkish LED Industry become the center of attention for its high growth possibility in the future, many companies are either already entered into LED market in Turkey or seeking opportunities in the market. Despite economic recession in 2010, Turkish LED industry contunied growing around %40-%50. The market potential is infinite acoordingly and the application field is continuosly being expanded. Turkish LED industry is emerging market. We have no market size information at the moment because the industry is not very well organized yet.

LED Fair 2010 will be organized with the support of Turkish Ministry of Energy between the dates of September 30th - October 3rd. The number of domestic and international exhibitors is increasing %100 every year. LED Fair 2009, which had exhibitors from 10 different countries, has been visited by 23.246 domestic and international sector professionals from 35 countries.

LED Fair meets the needs and concerns of the exhibitors and visitors with its conferances and seminars as well. In 2010, second edition of Turkey’s only LED conference which supported by Turkish Ministry of Energy will be organized concurrently with LED Fair. Exhibiting are Sharp Electronics, Osram GMBH, Future Electronics, Arrow, EBV, and etc.