STROITELI - magazine for building materials and technologiesyear XXII, issue 1, 2025

ISK - SODEX 2014 Opens its Gates

HVAC&R sectors come together in ISK-SODEX 2014 within May the 7th till 10th at Istanbul Expo Center. ISK-SODEX which is the biggest exhibition in its own sector in EUROASIA is expected to accommodate important business connections with the foreign buyer delegation programme.
International Heating. Refrigeration, Air Conditioning, Ventilation, Insulation, Pumps, Valves, Installation, Fittings, Water Treatment, Solar Systems Exhibition ISK-SODEX 2014 will be organized on May, 7-10 at Istanbul Expo Center.
The demand for heating, refrigeration and ventilation sectors are increasing in Turkey. Air conditioning sector is rapidly developing and it is considered as one of the most important sector in the country. It has been announced by Turkish Ministry of the Economy that Turkish air-conditioning sector has an important position in the world. According to the datas of the Turkish Ministry of Economy, Turkish Air Conditioning Sector will reach to the total production volume of $ 60 billion with the $ 35 billion of domestic market size in 2023.
ISK-SODEX 2014 is supported by the important associations of the sectors which are: ISKAV (Heating, Cooling, Air-Conditioning Research and Education Foundation), ISKID (Air-Conditioning & Refrigeration Manufacturers Association), DOSIDER (Natural Gas Equipment Manufacturers and Businessmen Associations), TTMD (Turkish Society of HVAC & Sanitary Engineers), IZODER (Association of thermal insulation, waterproofing, sound insulation and fireproofing material producers, suppliers and applicators).
A Foreign buyer delegation programme will be organized by Turkish Ministry of Economy in order to support the export rate, diversifying the export of the products, finding the new markets and protecting the market share. A large number of delegates are invited to ISKSODEX 2014 from 62 countries. Hence, it is expected to conduct important business connections with the foreign buyer delegation programme.
The exhibition is expected to get 80.000 plus visitors from Turkey as well as different parts of the World especially neighbouring countries. Professionnal trade visitors from Iraq, Iran, Bulgaria, Syria, Azerbaijan, Morocco, Tunisia, Algeria, Lebanon will intensively visit the exhibition. Hence visiting ISK SODEX will mean visiting the entire region. Thus this event is not to be missed.
ISK-SODEX 2014 will be organized in 11 halls of Istanbul Expo Center which is approximately 55.000 sqm area in total. ISK-SODEX 2014, which is to have 1300 companies taking-part is therefore the Biggest Meeting Point of international platform within Eurasia Region for HVAC&R. The exhibition will be presenting the latest innovations in the HVAC&R sectors. Wide range of new products in Heating, Ventilation, Air-Conditioning, Refrigeration, Insulation, Pumps, Valves, Installation, Fittings, Water Treatment, Solar Systems subjects will be exhibited by 1300 companies of ISK-SODEX 2014.