MFT 3 - the new multifunction table from Festool

The MFT multifunction table has proved itself in the past and is now valued as one of the most versatile work surfaces in the world. With this, the new generation, the user now has even more possibilities for working precisely and safely with workpieces in a wide range of shapes and sizes. The MFT 3 is now also compatible with all modules of the Compact Module System and the new VAC SYS vacuum clamping system. The new MFT 3 is versatile, precise, ergonomic and portable.
The tried-and-tested multifunction table will be available from April with a new wor-king height of 90cm, also ideal for larger users, enabling them to work ergonomi-cally and relieving back strain. With the new V-groove and the MFT 3 extension, a wide range of accessories from the CMS Compact Module Systems can be used with the MFT 3. An adapter plate enables the MFT 3 to be used additionally with the new, flexible VAC SYS vacuum clamping unit. The new multifunction table also has more clamping and fixing options. Additional cross braces provide even more stabil-ity where needed and, like the legs, can be folded away for transportation. This makes it ideal for use in either in the workshop or on site.
A great system for modular working
At Festool, a table is not just a table, but a sound foundation for flexible, precise work. For example, workpieces can be precisely positioned by the angle stop, and a stop slide enables precision repeat cuts to be made, even to the extent of series production. But even small, quite difficult shapes can be held in place by clamps, which is essential for secure, precise processing. Clamps and the proven perforated plate enable workpieces to be securely fixed easily on either side. The guide rail holder enables the guide rails to be folded up easily and adjusted to various mate-rial thicknesses. This gives the user precision guidance of the Festool jigsaws and portable circular saws or routers, giving perfect results. The work surface can be conveniently and quickly extended using connectors to join two or more multifunc-tion tables together side by side. This means that larger workpieces, or several at the same time, can easily be clamped and worked on.