STROITELI - magazine for building materials and technologiesyear XXII, issue 1, 2025

Rediscovering (living) space: creative wall and ceiling design with MagicPearls

Rediscovering (living) space: creative wall and ceiling design with MagicPearls

Room design - just simply creative, uncomplicated in application and without harmful side effects. This is how housing, living and working spaces can be reanimated. Coloured and structural effects were already specifically applied in interior architecture back in antique Rome and ancient Egypt. Because a tastefully deco-rated interior is the basis for wellbeing. A pleasant room atmosphere is fundamental for harmony and relaxation.
These yearnings have stayed the same – just the times and possibilities have changed. And the known surface coating materials such as plaster, paper and textile now have another rival - MagicPearls. Completely new surface appearances and haptics are made possible with MagicPearls. The mineral coloured granulate is available in five different variants. The creatice wall coatings can be processed using wiping, brushing or spatula techniques. MagicPearls is optimal for room climates, due to its mineral character and good diffusion capability. It is completely free of solvents and pollutants, and therefore ideally suited for the creative design of living and working spaces.
The ideal substrate is smooth to lightly roughened and primed with a high-quality matt latex or dispersion paint. Depending on the MagicPearls variant being used, the colour tone of the primer should be white (for variants SL and CL) or coloured (variants QL, GO and BG). The surface design is also suitable for wet rooms, however a final transparent protective coating (Matthes Protect SG) should be applied afterwards. No creative limits are imposed during application. Completely new surface designs can be achieved with a variety of techniques and tools such as brushes, spatulas or even sponges. The applications implemented so far range from multicoloured islets, snow drifts and wavy patterns to unique light and shade combinations.