STROITELI - magazine for building materials and technologiesyear XXII, issue 1, 2025

The Development of Sofia Innovation Park will be discussed in a workshop

The Development of Sofia Innovation Park will be discussed in a workshop

Sofia Innovation Park is a project based on the expert knowledge of BRE developing such projects in Great Britain, Scotland and Brazil. Its design and construction are focused on the following aims:
- Develop Sustainable Construction Policy with regional and national government bodies
- Showcase Innovation
- Utilise public funding to enable private funders to invest
- Manage the development and construction
- Independently verify the new products and solutions for fit for future policy in Sustainable Construction using defined approval and certification processes
Sofia Innovation Park will be a unique platform assisting public and private organisations to develop a sustainable policy and research into climatic, environmental, economic, and social conditions locally.
The workshop will be held on 1 April 2011. The main goals of the agenda are: developing a structure of the Sofia Innovation Park; demonstration of the different Innovation Parks inside and outside of the UK, their purpose and their designs; also to gain an understanding of the Academy and Business needs and stakeholders aspirations and objective; to show the opportunities to develop a Technology Park and the likely anticipated business and technical/scientific benefits and establish priorities social, economic and environmental within the context of a sustainable growth prospect for Bulgaria.