STROITELI - magazine for building materials and technologiesyear XXII, issue 1, 2025

Transform your roof into a new relaxing green patch

Transform your roof into a new relaxing green patch

As the new trend in fighting the urban overcrowding is greening less accessible surfaces, we present you an ideal green roof system which can turn your roof or terrace into a splendid area with new characteristics such as functionality and utility.
The semi-intensive Green Roof system is suitable for terrace gardens which are in direct contact with the living environment. It is a viable, easy to instal economical solution. The vegetation of this roof consists of grasses, perennials and shrubs, providing several different ways of spending leisure time on the roof in the middle of a natural landscape.
The advantages of a semi-intesive green roof: Offers profesional solutions for regular, inverted and duo roofs; Provides new walkable surfaces; Inteligent water management; Improves the capacity of the insulation; Creates new leisure posibilities; Increases the value of the building.