INFRABILD - magazine for construction equipment and toolsyear IV, issue 2, may 2010

Other publications by the company
» Advertising in the INFRABILD - magazine for construction equipment and tools, issue 7, 2014
» Advertising in the INFRABILD - magazine for construction equipment and tools, issue 6, 2014
» Advertising in the STROITELI - magazine for building materials and technologies, issue 4, 2014
» Advertising in the INFRABILD - magazine for construction equipment and tools, issue 3, 2014
» Advertising in the INFRABILD - magazine for construction equipment and tools, issue 1, 2014
» Advertising in the INFRABILD - magazine for construction equipment and tools, issue 7, 2013
» Advertising in the STROITELI - magazine for building materials and technologies, issue 7, 2013
» Advertising in the STROITELI - magazine for building materials and technologies, issue 6, 2013
» Advertising in the INFRABILD - magazine for construction equipment and tools, issue 5, 2013
» Advertising in the STROITELI - magazine for building materials and technologies, issue 5, 2013
MEGATRON :: text to advertisements
МЕГАТРОН Специално предложение Валидно 01.04.2010 до 22.06.2010 Гуми и джанти -15%, Масла и греси -15%, Вериги - 10% Възползвайте се от нашите специални предложения Само оргиналните части с марка Bobcat МЕГАТРОН Ви гарантират качество и надеждност Филтри - 10% Климатици - 10% Подарък шапка при покупканад 350лв. Продажбени центрове на Мегатрон ЕАД в страната: София 0886700362, 0884243141, 02/9751555, факс: 02/9737225, Плевен 0888535319, 0888903401, МЕГАТРОН 064/900601, Добрич 0889300084, 0885550592, 058/630108, Русе 082/845987, 0887782930, Ямбол 0888586474, 0884003156 Bobcat Мегатрон