INFRABILD - magazine for construction equipment and toolsyear IV, issue 5, september 2010

Other publications by the company
» Advertising in the INFRABILD - magazine for construction equipment and tools, issue 7, 2012
» Advertising in the INFRABILD - magazine for construction equipment and tools, issue 6, 2012
» Advertising in the INFRABILD - magazine for construction equipment and tools, issue 3, 2012
» Advertising in the INFRABILD - magazine for construction equipment and tools, issue 2, 2012
» Advertising in the INFRABILD - magazine for construction equipment and tools, issue 1, 2012
» Advertising in the INFRABILD - magazine for construction equipment and tools, issue 6, november 2011
» Advertising in the INFRABILD - magazine for construction equipment and tools, issue 5, september 2011
» Advertising in the INFRABILD - magazine for construction equipment and tools, issue 2, may 2011
» Advertising in the INFRABILD - magazine for construction equipment and tools, issue 7, may 2011
» Advertising in the INFRABILD - magazine for construction equipment and tools, issue 1, march 2011
CREST GROUP :: text to advertisements
КРЕСТ ГРУП KMV-Tilting MACHINE Машина за бетонни тръби, шахти, капаци, корита и други едрогабаритни бетонни елементи.Вибрационна система за производство на всички видове бетонни тръби и едрогабаритни бетонни елементи KMV-Tilting MACHINE Машина за бетонни тръби, шахти, КРЕСТ ГРУП капаци, корита и други нестандартни бетонни елементи. Вибрационна система за производство на всички видове нестандартни бетонни елементи с въртяща работна маса за матриците тел.: 052/ 306744; факс: 052/ 306743 e-mail: