INFRABILD - magazine for construction equipment and toolsyear V, issue 6, november 2011
Safety in Cranes needs Force Measurement Heavy weights moved by cranes or other lifting equipment are always a threat for the safety of persons and equipment. To answer these threats transducer and control electronics are needed to measure the related forces with high reliability. The German test and measurement specialist tecsis GmbH produces a huge variety of standard force transducers as well as custom specific solutions. One of the core competencies of the company is the production of force transducers with an outstanding know-how in strain gauge and thin film technology. The thin film sensors are manufactured by a combination of Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapour Deposition (PECVD), Physical Vapour Deposition (PVD), and lithography. Due to the atomic bonding between the electrically conductive sensing layer and the substrate the sensor is very robust, and shows a good long-term stability and very little creep. Even redundant sensors can be designed in a compact form enabling the use also in applications with limited space. tecsis offers a big and diverse range of force transducers with a maximum load of up to 6 MN. Various geometries allow to integrating the transducers directly into the application.
The company also addresses the challenges arising as a result to the new safety standard EN ISO 13849-1. Customers can obtain all relevant key parameters, which are needed for the realisation of application in conformance with the new standard. The redundant force transducers enable applications, which fulfil performance level e according to EN ISO 13849-1. Necessary safety related steps like calculations, FEM analysis and tests are all done in-house at tecsis.
The company demonstrates its wide range of competencies also including solutions for cranes and lifting applications. One of these systems is the overload monitoring system ECPS, which is specially designed for lifting equipment. The system monitors crucial parameters and prevents overload situations. The system consists of a central electronic unit and the respective transducers, which are integrated at different locations within the lifting equipment. Performance level c according to EN ISO 13849-1 can be achieved with the ECPS system. Together with the customer orientated outlook and excellent service quality the company position itself as a total solution supplier in the field of force measurement. 16/03/2011 |