INFRABILD - magazine for construction equipment and toolsyear XVIII, issue 6, 2024

Machines and systems for waste recycling from Lindner-Recyclingtech (L-RT)

Machines and systems for waste recycling from Lindner-Recyclingtech (L-RT)

Lindner-Recyclingtech (L-RT) is among the world leaders in offering machines and two-step shredding systems for waste recycling. Nearly everything can be reduced: waste-to-energy, paper, plastic, rubber, wood, textiles, biomass and many more. For more than 66 years, the Austrian family business has been advising customers all around the globe and building highly efficient and effective shredders which are tai-lored individually to each customers requirements.
One important pillar of the L-RT business is to engineer two-step shredding systems for the production of refuse derived fuels (RDF) and solid recovered fuels (SRF) for the cement industry. Waste management companies are being forced to find an al-ternative that is an economically and environmentally viable way of handling residual waste. RDF and SRF are providing that solution. There are more than 1200 Lindner machines operating worldwide, as single units or in the form of two-step shredding systems in the waste management- and recycling industries, as well as at RDF-suppliers and in the cement industry.
In addition to primary and secondary shredders as well as RDF shredding systems, L-RT features a range of universal shredders. They are produced as high- and low speed single shaft shredders and can thus be applied for both, shredding of un-treated waste for retrieval of coarse fraction and for the defined size reduction of pre-shredded input material for subsequent processing (f.e. granulator, compactor) or as final product (f.e. incineration). They are available in various sizes and configurations and are highly customizable.
Starting in 2008, 6 companies have combined to form the Lindner network: Lindner-Recyclingtech GmbH (Shredding technology - planning, development, construction, production and distribution), Lindner reSource GmbH (distribution company, shred-ding technology for waste-to-energy, especially plastic recycling), Lindner E-Tech GmbH (industrial electrotechnology and automation-technology), Lindner America LLC (distribution company for the USA and Canada), Lindner Mobile Shredder GmbH (mobile two-shaft shredders - planning, development, construction, production and distribution) and Lindner Wood Shredders GmbH (distribution company for the bio-mass chipper ANTAGUAR).
While Lindners product palette is versatile, the goal is always the same: satisfied customers who produce valuable commodities from various waste materials effi-ciently and economically.